Dalbo Used Farm Machinery

Founded in 1948, Dalbo has been a market leader in specific agricultural products since the 1960s, particularly in the roller product category, and soil packers and seedbed harrows. Through constant innovation and product refinement, Dalbo rollers are now recognised worldwide, helping farmers to benefit from pre- and post-sowing rolling, helping to break up hardened soil and flattening and compacting the surface for retention of moisture and easier and more accurate seeding.

Dalbo Rollers are used for post-harvest stubble processing, seedbed preparation, grassland management and more. Dalbo also produces a range of Knife rollers aid farmers with no-till and strip-till methods. 

Dalbo remains close to market developments and innovation with a flexible production and short delivery times.

What used Dalbo machinery do we stock?

Dalbo’s range includes heavy duty straw front harrow, subsoilers, stubble management implements, presses and packers, as well as their unique range of grass and knife rollers. Please contact us to find out more about the machinery we currently have available. 

Why J Brock & Sons? 

It remains our mission to supply the highest-quality, best priced and most suitable new and used farming equipment to our customers in the United Kingdom and further afield. With our extensive knowledge and experience in arable farming techniques, we aim to be the go-to resource for all our customers.